Additional Information
KUNBUS Configurator III has many dependencies on Windows. Since Windows 7 & many other applications are not supported and updated anymore, this could be the reason because of which Configurator III is not working as expected. However, the LabVIEW project & drivers of Kunbus Software are not affected and are stable. PROFINET Drivers depend on the NI Software platform & are not affected by different versions of Windows OS.
Here are some troubleshooting steps:
- Verify the PXI PROFINET module is showing up in NI MAX correctly.
- In Device Manager, under NI-VISA PXI Devices, check if the DF PROFINET IO (NI-VISA) is visible.
- By navigating to LabVIEW Help>>Find Examples>>Toolkits and Modules>>Third Party Add-ons>>KUNBUS GmbH>>PROFINET, DF PROFINET IO GettingStarted.lvproj LabVIEW project and running the sample VIs, check the device communication is established or not.