Can NI VLM Mass Import Users via Active Directory?

Updated Jan 8, 2025

Reported In


  • Volume License Manager

Issue Details

We need to provide permissions to a massive number of users through NI VLM and we would like to know if the tool can handle imports via Active Directory?


Currently, NI VLM does not offer compatibility with Active Directory.

There are additional ways to handle user permissions and reduce the effort for the software administrators depending on their specific needs. You can review their use case for the following approaches:


Unmanaged Concurrent Licenses

You can review the possibility of implementing Unmanaged Concurrent licenses for the customer to avoid the permission granting effort on their end. Please make sure to review if this will be possible and if it will have an additional cost with


Setting up a Group With Automatic Permission Handling

If you still need to review the user access or the license usage, then this is the right option. You can create a group that will approve automatically the permission requests sent by NI License Manager from each client machine. This will allow you to have visibility and reduce the software administrator interaction. You can check the following links: