How to Connect MP500 TCL3 with HDMI splitter

Updated Apr 8, 2024

Reported In


  • Micropross Accessories


- 1x MP500 TCL3 signal generator
- 1x HDMI splitter board
- 1x HDMI-HDMI cable
- 2x SMBf-SMAm RF cable
- 1x SMAm-SMAm RF cable
- 1x NFC Forum listener antenna 

- Card emulation software license enabled on MP500 TCL3 

Issue Details

I want to connect NFC Forum listener reference antenna with my MP500 TCL3 to test NFC Reader.


Follow the instructions and picture below:

1) Connect AUX 1 HDMI connector of the TCL3 to the HDMI connector of the splitter when using HDMI-HDMI cable
2) Connect J1 connector of the Listener antenna to Vcc Out connector of the splitter when using SMBf-SMAm RF cable
3) Connect J2 connector of the Listener antenna to Mod Out connector of the splitter when using SMBf-SMAm RF cable
4) Connect J4 connector of the Listener antenna to Analog In connector of the TCL3 when using  SMAm-SMAm RF cable

Additional Information

In case you have additional questions please open a service request on when following the steps described at this link.