PXIe-4339 Fails Calibration After Updating NI-DAQmx

Updated Mar 25, 2020

Reported In


  • PXIe-4339


  • Calibration Executive
  • Calibration Executive 5.0.1
  • Calibration Executive 5.0.2


  • NI-DAQmx
  • NI-DAQmx 19.0

Issue Details

After updating to NI-DAQmx 19.x, I can no longer complete the calibration procedure for my PXIe-4339 module. The calibration fails at the DAQmx Adjust 4339 Calibration.vi during the Adjustment procedure.
Error -200157 occurred at DAQmx Adjust 4339 Calibration.vi
Possible reason(s):
Device could not complete the calibration operation.
Calibration could fail for the following reasons:
1. The actual reference signal applied for calibration was different from the value you specified. Ensure that the reference signal applied is the same as the values that were input.
2. The reference signal was not stable over the period of time that the hardware was being calibrated. Ensure that the reference signal specified is free of noise and does not drift over the duration of the calibration.
3. The device is not functioning properly.

I also see this error when using Calibration Executive.


A bug was discovered in our NI-DAQmx 19.x releases that affect the calibration of the PXIe-4339 module. This bug is being addressed for a future release of NI-DAQmx. This bug only affects the PXIe-4339 so if you need to calibrate this specific module, do not update past NI-DAQmx 18.6.

If you're calibrating using Calibration Executive, do not update past Calibration Executive 5.0.1 and its specified driver stack.

Additional Information

Calibration Executive 5.0.2 specifies a version NI-DAQmx that does not show this behavior but it also installs NI-DCPower 19.1 which installs the NI-DAQmx 19.1 Runtime Engine that causes this issue. 

If you have already upgraded to Calibration Executive 5.0.2 and cannot downgrade, please contact National Instruments for calibration services.