If you are using NI instruments, such as digital multimeters, function generators, and oscilloscopes, the fetching process will attempt to sleep for 1 millisecond at a time if data is not available. If the default system clock resolution on the test system is 10 milliseconds this issue can be seen, as a 1 millisecond sleep may take 10 milliseconds instead. I/O Trace and NI MAX configure the system clock resolution to 1 millisecond, which can cause the difference in the behavior.
As a workaround, configure the system clock resolution in the LabWindows™/CVI™ application by adding the following code:
#include "windows.h"
#include "mmsystem.h"
#include "stdint.h"
const uint32_t desiredTimerResolutionInMilliseconds = 1;
TIMECAPS timeCaps = {0,0};
timeGetDevCaps(&timeCaps, sizeof(timeCaps));
uint32_t timerResolutionInMilliseconds = min(max(timeCaps.wPeriodMin, desiredTimerResolutionInMilliseconds), timeCaps.wPeriodMax);
//Insert Application Logic Here//