Error -1074395992 When Saving an Image or Video Programmatically

Updated Aug 3, 2023

Reported In


  • Vision Development Module
  • LabVIEW



Issue Details

I have a LabVIEW project where I snap an image, display it and then save it or I grab a video and save it using NI-IMAQ. However, whenever my LabVIEW program is at the "save image" or "save video" step, I get the following error:

Error -1074395992 ocurred at IMAQ WriteImageAndVisionInfo
Possible reason(s):

File access denied.

This error is shown in the following dialog box.


The error -1074395992 is mainly related to the file path configuration. When dealing with this error there are a couple of things to double-check:
  1. Check that you have permission to write to the directory specified in the file path of the IMAQ Write Image and Vision or IMAQ AVI2 Write Frame.
  2. Make sure you're including the file path as a file extension you're saving (.JPG, .TIFF, .PNG, .AVI). You can look at the examples Snap and Save to or Grab and Save to on NI Example finder (Hardware Input and Output > Vision Acquisition > NI-IMAQ > File Input and Output)