Using NI Package Builder, Which Dependencies Do I Need to Create a NI TestStand Deployment?

Updated May 21, 2024

Reported In


  • TestStand
  • NI Package Builder

Issue Details


As a NI TestStand developer I created a sequence file containing my test steps. I created a package for this sequence file, but now I wonder what steps I will have to do to have a full deployment including the NI TestStand Runtime and other important components. Which components will I typically need to have a successful deployment on the target system?



To run your NI TestStand sequence file on a desktop system with no previous NI TestStand installation, you will minimally need the following:

  • NI TestStand runtime
  • NI TestStand user interface (for programming, you did use the TestStand Sequence Editor as User Interface)
  • one or more NI TestStand Process Models

NI Package Builder can create dependencies for your packages. If you do so, then this package will automatically expect the dependent packages to be installed, thus ensuring that an installation is only successful if all necessary packages are installed. Still, you have to make sure that your dependent packages are part of your Repository or Installer.

If you created a NI TestStand Sequence File and added your steps, not changing any framework components like user interfaces or process models, you will add three dependencies to your package:

  • TestStand Runtime (XX-bit)
  • Process Models Runtime (XX-bit)
  • User Interfaces Runtime (XX-bit)

You will choose 32-bit or 64-bit depending on your use case. For all subsequent steps, let’s assume you chose 64-bit.

To add those dependencies, after creating a package Your Software, Right-Click on Your Software and choose Add Dependency…

Then, in the Runtime Deployment Packages Only Dropdown field, search for TestStand Runtime (64-bit) and TestStand Process Models Runtime (64-bit). Check both.

Then, in the All Visible Packages Dropdown field, search for TestStand User Interfaces (64-bit). Check it.

Now click OK. Your package should look like this:

Your Software will now expect all three packages to be installed. If the client desktop system has NI Package Manager installed and is connected to the internet, it will typically find these sources through standard feeds.

If you want them to be part of your feed or your installer, you will have to add them. See in the Additional Information section for a step-to-step-tutorial.

Additional Information

Have Dependencies Installed With Your Package

Setting Dependencies for Your Software will ensure that Your Software only installs if those packages are available and it will help NI Package Manager knowing what to search for. If your machine is connected to the internet, NI Package Manager typically will find a feed to download those packages.

If you need to have a complete installer or repository, then follow these steps:

(1) Change from the Packages Tab to the Installers and Repositories Tab

(2) Create a New Package Installer or a New Local Repository, as you need.

(3) Add Your Software to Your Package Installer (or Your Local Repository)

(4) Click on Your Software. In its Properties, check the Include recommended and suggested packages Checkbox.

(5) Click Build All.

Now NI Package Builder will create an installer including Your Package, all three dependent packages and their dependencies.

More Advanced Setups Will Have Your Own Framework Dependencies

In more advanced setups you might have created your own framework components:

  • Custom Process Model
  • Custom User Interface
  • Custom Step types
  • Environment File
  • or more

Typically, for framework components you will create separate packages each, like creating a Your Custom Process Model.nipkg. Those created packages will then be your dependencies, and you will drop dependencies to the preinstalled TestStand Process Model, for example.

Create Shortcuts for Your User Interfaces

In many cases you will want to create desktop shortcuts for your user interfaces, possibly adding some parameters to the start, like running a specific sequence file from the startup. You can find more information on passing parameters to your user interface via command line in the KB Run a Sequence File from Windows Explorer or Command Line and in the help article TestStand Environments.