How to Reference/Dereference C/C++ pointers in LabVIEW

Updated Jun 7, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW

Programming Language

  • C
  • C++

Issue Details

  • I need to pass a pointer to a two-dimensional array to a C/C++ dll. 
  • I want to dereference a pointer to a two-dimensional array from a C/C++ dll. 


The example below demonstrates the creation of a pointer for a two-dimensional array and the dereferencing back into actual data.
  • In the first two blocks of the sequence the pointer for a two dimensional array is created.
  • The last two blocks of the sequence dereference the pointer back into the two-dimensional array data.


Additional Information

More general information about handling pointers in LabVIEW can be found in the related links section.