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Python Application Inside NI Salt-Master

Updated Mar 10, 2020

Reported In

Operating System

  • Windows

Programming Language

  • Python


Microsoft Services Application

Issue Details

I am seeing a python application running in the background on my system. This application is preventing me from installing other software. The application location is directing me to a NI shared library folder salt.

How do I disable this application during startup?


  1. Go to the Microsoft© Services application and locate NI Salt-Master service.
  2. Open the properties and change the startup type to manual (Indicated by 1 in the figure).
  3. If the startup option is grayed out open the Dependencies tab (Indicated by 2 in the figure).
  4. Disable the dependent services first and then disable the Salt-Master.

Additional Information

NI Salt-Master is a service that is required for anything related to communication like Real Time module, SystemLink etc. So disabling it permanently will lead to many other internal errors while working with NI software. Therefore it is recommended to set startup type as manual, so that it would ask for permission whenever this service is required.