How Many Counters Are in My NI DAQ Device?

Updated Nov 22, 2023

Reported In


  • NI-DAQmx

Issue Details

How can I find out how many counters are there in my DAQ device?


The type of DAQ device varies the number of counters, and how they can be configured.


CompactDAQ Device

The counters in CompactDAQ devices can be found in the device specifications under the title: General-Purpose Counters/ Timers. An example of this can be seen below for the 9171 Chassis:

The maximum a chassis or individual card can hold is four counters for the CompactDAQ product line. To add more counters, you would need a specific counter card such as the NI-9361. To look at all of the counter modules and devices see the following page: Counters and Timers.


USB DAQ Device

The counters in USB DAQ devices can also be found in the device specifications under the title: Counter or Counters. An example of this can be seen below for the USB-6001 Device:

NOTE: For USB DAQ devices, not all counters can be used for all tasks. Some counters are for input tasks and others output tasks. The input tasks that can be performed will be listed under Counter Measurements and Position measurements, and Output tasks are listed under Output applications.