Replacement for VeriStand Steps for TestStand

Updated Apr 20, 2023

Reported In


  • VeriStand
  • TestStand

Issue Details

Whenever I've needed to call into VeriStand from TestStand, historically I've used the VeriStand Steps for TestStand. However, I recently discovered or was told to instead use the ASAM XIL Steps for TestStand. What is the difference between these two items?


The VeriStand Steps for TestStand was the initial, now deprecated way to automate VeriStand from a TestStand sequence. It was initially developed by NI Systems Engineering and is not supported by NI R&D. It is not recommended for new applications and is provided strictly as-is.

The ASAM XIL Steps for TestStand is the current recommended way to automate VeriStand from a TestStand sequence. It is not a drop-in replacement for the VeriStand Steps for TestStand. This means certain functionality originally available through the VeriStand Steps for TestStand does not necessarily exist, or is not accessed in the same way, within the ASAM XIL Steps for TestStand.

Additional Information

If the ASAM XIL Steps for TestStand does not provide the functionality you require, please contact NI Support.