Maximum Number of Fiber Optic Cables Supported on PCIe/PXIe-839x

Updated Dec 4, 2024

Reported In


  • PXIe-8398
  • PCIe-8398
  • PXIe-8394
  • PXIe-8399

Issue Details

I saw that the new fiber optic cables for the PCIe/PXIe-8398 only have an x4 link. So, if I want to increase the bandwidth of the connection, how many cables can I connect to the module? 


The number of fiber optic cables connected to your device must not exceed the limits noted in the table below: 
Device (Hardware Revision)Maximum Number of Fiber Optic Cables
PCIe-839x or PXIe-8394/8398 (rev H or newer)2 total
PXIe-8394/8398 (rev G or older)1 total
PXIe-8399 (rev H or newer)2 per bank, 4 total
PXIe-8399 (rev G or older)1 per bank, 2 total

However, the hardware doesn’t allow you to stack cables as you can with copper cables to create an x8 or x16 connection. The modules will always establish a x4 link per system. 

Additional Information

You can determine the revision of the MXI modules following the instructions in this document

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