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Plot Two Independent Variables in the Same Graph Chart Using DIAdem

Updated Dec 11, 2023



  • DIAdem

I have recorded data for several variables using FlexLogger. I am most interested in two of the variables I recorded. Using DIAdem, in the View tab it defaults to a graph of both variables vs Time. I would like to produce a graph of the two versus each other. Is this possible to do within DIAdem? 

This article explains and walks you through how to plot two independent variables in the same graph, instead of using the x-axis as time, using DIAdem. DIAdem is an application software to process, visualize, and streamline root-cause determination to find the answers to the most complex test problems-all in one place.

Sometimes you will find yourself looking to plot two independent variables against each other, instead of plotting them separately versus time. In these situations, you can follow the steps provided in this KB in order to achieve this goal. 

In DIAdem, in order to plot two independent variables in the same graph, without using the x-axis as time, you can follow the steps below.

1. Launch NI DIAdem.
2. Click on File in the upper left corner, then select open.
3. Select your DIAdem project where you have the variables that you want to plot. 
  • In this article, the data that is used is obtained from the DIAdem - Example Finder>>Analysis of Two Electric-Powered Race Cars.
4. Once the data is loaded in the Data Portal, on the left-handed panel of DIAdem, navigate to REPORT.
5. Click on the Insert tab and select Worksheet.
6. In the new worksheet, navigate to the left-hand functions palette and select 2D Axis System with Line>>Lines>>2D Axis System with Line, and drag and drop the graph into the worksheet.
7. Navigate to the Data Portal and look for the variables that you want to plot in your graph and select the specific channels (DIAdem always use the first channel selected as the x-axis, all subsequently selected channels will be used as y-axis). Once the channels are selected, drag and drop them into the graph.
  • In this example, it´s compared the "Displacement Driver B" (y-axis) against the "Displacement Driver A" (x-axis).
After following the above steps mentioned, you will be able to plot independent variables in the same graph using DIAdem.

Using the same data that was used for the creation of this article, 4 different graphs were created in order to offer a visual comparison of graphs using the x-axis as time and using the x-axis as an independent variable. 