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Setting up OpenID Connect in SystemLink with Azure Active Directory

Updated Feb 10, 2023



  • SystemLink
  • SystemLink Server


  • Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)

This article outlines the steps to enable and set up OpenID Connect in SystemLink with Microsoft Azure AD.

  1. Set up a SystemLink server with SystemLink 2020 R4 or a later version.
  2. Check for additional assumptions and prerequisites in SystemLink Operations Handbook.

1. Follow the Enabling OpenID Connect in SystemLink instructions of the SystemLink Operations Handbook.
2. Edit the configuration files: *.provider and *.client with the following instructions:
      1. Log in to your Azure account and navigate to Azure AD.
Log in AAD.png

      2. From Azure AD navigate to App registrations and select the application (named SystemLink-Test in the following image). You may need help from your IT team to create the application.
App registrations.png
      3. Select Endpoints, this should open a side panel. Then select and copy OpenID Connect metadata document link as shown below.


      4. Paste the copied link to any browser to see the content of OpenID Metadata and copy the entire content displayed.
Web URL content.png

      5. Open *.provider file and paste the content copied in the above step and save the file.
Copied Content.png

      6. One of the lines in this content should say "issuer": "https://provider-issuer-uri", where provider-issuer-uri, is the content you want to copy now.
      7. Name the three configuration files using this provider-issuer-uri, for example: provider-issuer-uri.clientprovider-issuer-uri.provider, and provider-issuer-uri.conf.
      8. Replace any forward slash (/) with "%2F" in the names of the files, for example, "microsoftonline.com/8ab" would be written as: "microsoftonline.com%2F8ab".
Configuration files naming.png
      9. Open *.client file and update the client ID and client secret, you can get client ID from Azure, the client secret will be generated at the time of app creation which you need to get from App creator. After updating these values save the file.

      10. No change is required for the *.conf file but you can for example change the default display name:
conf file.png

      11. Open 50_mod_auth_openidc-defines.conf file from C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\Web Server\conf\defines.d in the server and change all UnDefine to Define as shown.

      12. Optionally, if you want to have a different image at "Login with SSO".  Open C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\Web Server\htdocs in the server, place a 16x16 pixel image, and edit the 50_mod_auth_openidc-defines.conf file as shown below.
image for SSO.png

      13. Open NI Web Server Configuration, navigate to Authentication Tab, enable Use Open ID Connect (advanced), and then click Apply and restart.
Use OpenID.png

      14. Navigate to your application in Azure AD and update the Redirect URIs field by clicking the Redirect URIs hyperlink:
Redirected URIs.png

      15. Inside the Redirect URIs settings page click Add a platform, which opens the Configure platforms side panel, then select Web
Redirect config.png

      16. Enter the redirect URI as shown below, click Configure>>Save.

Example redirect URI : https://"Your Server DNS Name"/login/openidc-redirect
Example Front-channel Logout URL : https://"Your Server DNS Name"/login/openidc-redirect?logout=get

Redirect config2.png

      17. Test the functionality by navigating to the server address in any browser or opening the NI SystemLink Web Application in the SystemLink server. Now you should see Login with SSO (or your custom message) with an icon displaying (if you added any) and you should be able to login with SSO.
SystemLink SSO.png

      18. If you log in with SSO for the first time you may not have access to any application on the server. As an administrator, to set up access or make someone administrator you'll need to log in the first time with your username and password and navigate to Access Control>>Roles at the top left in the SystemLink server web interface. If you are not an administrator, please contact your SystemLink server administrator and ask for assistance.
SystemLink Roles.png

      19. Click the top-right gear icon to open the Global Settings side panel: 

      20. Enter Attribute and Role, as needed and click Update:
Global Settings.png

      21. Optionally, if you want to remove the default Username and Password login option. Open NI Web Server Configuration in the SystemLink Server machine, navigate to the Authentication tab and disable Log in as users controller by the web server.
disable Username-password.png
       Which should result in something similar to:
Login SSO.png