Accessory Not Updated Properly in Calibration Executive

Updated Nov 21, 2022

Reported In


  • Calibration Executive

Issue Details

When I run the calibration procedure for my device, I get an error saying that my accessory has not been updated properly in NI MAX. How can I fix this problem?



To troubleshoot this issue, you can follow these steps:
  • Check if the device is recognized properly in NI MAX and also if the accessory has been added. You can run a Test Panel in NI MAX to confirm if the device is working: Using Test Panels in Measurement & Automation Explorer for Devices Supported by NI-DAQmx
    • If the device does not work in NI MAX, then Calibration Executive may not be the cause of the problem. You need to troubleshoot the device and its driver according to the symptoms experienced in NI MAX. For example: DAQ Device Not Listed in MAX But Shows Up in Windows Device Manager
    • If the device works in MAX and the accessory has been added, then the issue could be related to Calibration Executive. 
  • Check if the Calibration Executive version you have supports your hardware. You can check the readme on the download page: Calibration Executive.
  • Make sure you have not updated the drivers installed by default with your Calibration Executive installation. Calibration Executive will install the drivers that it requires to run the procedures. Changing the versions of the drivers may lead to unexpected errors. 
  • This can also occur when the Calibration Executive installation has been corrupted or modified. It is recommended to uninstall Calibration Executive and install it again: Installing, Updating, Repairing, and Removing NI Software
  • Update Calibration Executive to the latest version.