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Download File From SystemLink Download Center Using HTTP API

Updated Nov 8, 2022



  • SystemLink Server

In SystemLink Server, HTTP APIs allow you to programmatically access SystemLink data services outside of the NI SystemLink Web Application. You can use HTTP APIs to leverage SystemLink data services with text commands.

This tutorial will show you how to download file from SystemLink Download Center using HTTP APIs from Swagger UI. You can use the same HTTP APIs to implement it in LabVIEW programmatically.


  1. At Data Navigator, select the files that you need to download and select Export (Original Format).
  1. The file will be prepared and available at the Download Center. The zip file contains all the TDMS files that you have selected.
  1. Then, use these two HTTP API functions to download the file from the Download Center.
  1. Use /exports function to get a list of exported files that are available at the Download Center. Copy the {export_id} from the response.
  1. Use /exports/{export_id}/download function to download the file. Paste the {export_id} that you have copied before and select Execute, after that you can download the file.


Here is the file that has been downloaded from SystemLink Download Center.