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How to Set TestStand Environment in LabVIEW Custom UI

Updated Oct 22, 2024



  • LabVIEW
  • TestStand

When developing a TestStand custom UI, loading a specified custom TestStand Environment may always be required. This article provides a method to set the TestStand Environment programmatically in LabVIEW

Set TestStand Environment

EngineInitializationSettings class can be used to configure options prior to Engine construction.

  1. Create .NET Constructor Node in block diagram
NET Constructor.jpg
2. In the .NET Constructor, choose the Assembly NationalInstruments.TestStand.Interop.API and choose EngineInitializationSettingsClass's constructor.
3. Create Invoke Node and choose class's method SetEnvironmentPath to set the TestStand Environment Path. If you pass a empty string, the custom UI will use the TestStand Global Environment.
4. Note that this needs to be done before the TestStand Engine is initialized and hence needs to be the first piece of code that gets executed when launching the custom UI.