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HRESULT: 0x80020101 in SystemLink Server Analysis Automation

Updated Nov 2, 2022

Reported In


  • SystemLink
  • SystemLink Server
  • SystemLink TDM Analysis Add-On

Issue Details

I am using System.Collections.ArrayList in my SystemLink Analysis Automation VBS script. It can be executed in DIAdem but when it has been deployed to SystemLink Server, The following error appeared. How should it be solved?

Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020101



This issue can be resolved by enabling .NET Framework 3.5. The following dialog box can be found at Control Panel >> Programs >> Turn Windows feature on or off.

Additional Information

This issue happens due to the .NET Framework 3.5 is needed but the version on the SystemLink server is potentially too new. The workaround provided above is not only limited to System.Collections.ArrayList. If a similar error happens with a similar background while using the CreateObject function, this workaround is worth a try.