When running this code, the first that needs to be configured is the resource name to make sure it matches the actual name for the NI RFSG device on NI MAX. In this case, we are using a PXIe-5644 VST with the name PXI1Slot8.
Then the center frequency and power level need to be configured, for which we will use the values of 3.5 GHz and -10 dBm respectively.
Lastly, we select the New Radio waveform that was created on the Creating and Generating Signals Using NI RFmx Waveform Creator article the code will read and download the waveform to the NI RFSG device selected resource.

For this example, we are using the VST connected in loopback so we will use the RFmx Soft Front Panel to display the waveform being generated using the RFSG Playback Library.
Note: As per version 2022 Q3 and moving forward the RFmx Soft Front Panel will be integrated within the Instrument Studio application, the RFmx SFP button in NI MAX now will appear as an Instrument Studio button for the particular device and will open the RFmx SFP as an Instrument Studio layout.
To display the waveform properly we need to configure the NR personality as it is explained in the Creating and Generating Signals Using NI RFmx Waveform Creator article so the ModAcc and ACP measurements for that generated waveform will look like the following image: