Error -350000 When Using LabVIEW Command Line Interface

Updated Jun 24, 2020

Reported In


  • NI LabVIEW Command Line Interface
  • LabVIEW

Operating System

  • Windows

Issue Details

When using LabVIEW CLI to launch LabVIEW on my computer, I get the following error in command prompt:
Error code : -350000

Error message : LabVIEW CLI: (Hex 0xFFFAA8D0) The CLI for LabVIEW failed to establish a connection with LabVIEW. Ensure LabVIEW is running with VI server enabled on the correct port number. To enable VI server in LabVIEW, select "Tools>>Options>>VI Server" and enable the "TCP/IP" checkbox. If the port number under "TCP/IP" is not 3363, you must specify the port number using the "-PortNumber" argument. 

An error occurred while running the LabVIEW CLI.
I enabled the VI Server but I am still getting this error.


You can resolve this issue by changing the TCP/IP port used for the communication. Following are the steps to do the same:
  1. Go to LabVIEW>>Tools>>Options>>VI Server
  2. Change the port number under TCP/IP from 3363 to a different number (For Example: 3365).
  3. Change the CLI command to: LabVIEWCLI  -OperationName <operation name>  [-PortNumber <port number>]