What's the definition of Maximum Offset Bandwidth in 5842 specification?

Updated Jul 4, 2023

Reported In


  • PXIe-5842



Issue Details

I'm reading the RF specification of PXIe-5842. In Table 4, I'm not sure what's the definition of Maximum Offset Bandwidth; do we have any document elaborating on this part?


PXIe-5842 could operate on Zero-IF (Full BW), Low IF mode (high dynamic range), or Direct Sampling mode depending on the frequency range and the signal bandwidth selected for the input/output signal:


Zero IF means the LO is tuned at the center of the signals which can give us the full bandwidth; on the other hand, the Low IF mode in contrast is off-tuning the LO outside of the signal, which means we cut off the bandwidth on one side.
The benefit of Zerof-IF mode is that we could have the full bandwidth on the spectrum, while Low IF mode could provide us with a better dynamic range and reduce the potential residual LO leakage power.

If you want to learn more about these two concepts, please refer to this VST3 Introduction document .

Additional Information

In LabVIEW property node they're either NI-RFSA Downconverter Frequency Offset Mode property or NI-RFSG Upconverter Frequency Offset Mode property (Table 2 ). You could see such property in either LabVIEW or RFmx SFP.