Can't Set Time on Real-Time Controller

Updated Dec 10, 2024

Reported In


  • CompactRIO Controller
  • PXI Controller

Operating System

  • LabVIEW Real-Time (NI Linux Real-Time)

Issue Details

I am trying to configure the time for my NI Real-Time (RT) controller on NI MAX using the Time Settings tab. I change the time, then press the Save button but a few seconds later the time comes back to the previous value. The same behavior is observed when using the Get and Set LabVIEW example which uses the System Configuration API.
How can I fix this? 


This issue can be observed if the RT clock controller is being synchronized with a specific time resource. For instance, any of the time synchronization protocols available in NI-Sync. To solve this issue you can remove the NI-Sync software from your controller. Follow these steps to achieve this:
  • Verify if NI-Sync is installed in your RT controller.
  • Right-Click the Software tab and select Add/Remove Software.
  • Select the NI-Sync software listed under the Remove tab.
  • Select Review Changes and then Continue.
Once the RT controller reboot, you should be able to modify the time with no issues.

Additional Information

The NI-Industrial Communications for DNP3 driver can also be the cause of automatic clock synchronization, as it includes the NI-TimeSync driver as a dependency. If your application requires this driver, you can access the controller via SSH and manually use opkg to uninstall the NI-TimeSync and NI-Sync dependencies.