How to Perform a FlexRay Interface Device Loopback Test Using VeriStand

Updated Sep 28, 2023



  • PXI-8517
  • FlexRay Interface Device
  • PXI FlexRay Interface Module


  • VeriStand



This tutorial shows how to conduct a FlexRay interface device (such as PXI-8517) loopback test in VeriStand.

Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

To perform a loop-back test on your FlexRay interface device, follow these instructions:
1. Connect the 2 ports of your FlexRay device together by using an appropriate cable.
2. Create a blank VeriStand Project.
3. Set up the VeriStand project correctly to your target controller.
4. Add FlexRay port.
flexray port.jpg
5. Add NI-XNET example database file.
xnet example database .jpg
6. Click and open FlexRay Port 1 >> Outgoing. Right-click Cyclic and select import frames.
7. Select FlexRayCyclicFrame1. 
outgoing frame.jpg
8. Click and open FlexRay Port 2 >> Incoming. Right-click Single-Point and select import frames.
9. Change ECU to FlexRayExampleECU2 and select FlexRayCyclicFrame1. 
incoming frame.jpg
10. Click FlexRay Port 1. Enable Cold Start if a start-up frame is not added in the Outgoing and set Key Slot as a number that must be within the number of static slots in this cluster. If a start-up frame is added in the Outgoing, it is not necessary to enable Cold Start.
flexray cold start 1.jpg
11. Click FlexRay Port 2. Enable Cold Start and set Key Slot as a number that must be within the number of static slots in this cluster.
12. Save and deploy the VeriStand project. You should be able to control FlexRay Port 2 reading value by changing the FlexRay Port 1 value.