Error -373634 When Acquiring a Signal Through PXIe 5644R VST

Updated Apr 27, 2023

Reported In


  • PXIe-5644



Issue Details

I am trying to generate a signal from my PXIe 5644R module using the RFSG examples in LabVIEW, but I receive the following error:

Error -373634:Output generation has been aborted by the reverse power protection circuitry of the device. Either the output signal exceeded the output power limit, or the power was driven back into the output device by an external source.



Error -373634 generally occurs due to one of the following reasons:
  1. The Cabling connected to the RF Out Port of the VST is faulty and causing the signal reflections.
  2. The REF In port of the VST is receiving a signal which is has a significantly higher amplitude than the typical specification of the Port. For more details on this please refer to the specifications sheet of your VST.
  3. The output power specified for the signal is higher than the maximum power output of the VST.
  4. An external output source is connected to the RF Out port of the VST which is sending a signal into the RF Out port.
First, make sure that no external output source is connected to the RF port. Following this, check if the signal going to the REF In port and out of the RF Out port are within specification and try swapping the SMA Cable connected to the VST. If these steps don’t solve the issue, please contact NI Support .

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