Error -225202 indicates that NI MAX was unable to successfully communicate with the module. The problem could be related to a Software Corruption, a problem with the NI MAX Technical Database or a Hardware Failure. You can perform the below Troubleshooting Steps:
- Perform a Self-Test and Reset on the module & observe whether the same error is reported.
- Try Inserting the module in another slot in the CDAQ chassis & opening NI MAX Test Panel.
- Check whether other CDAQ modules work properly in the CDAQ chassis & whether you are able to open NI MAX Test Panel for them.
- Try inserting your module in another CDAQ chassis & opening NI MAX Test Panel.
- Observe the ports in the cDAQ chassis that the module plugs into & check for any bent pins.
If the error still persists after following the above steps, you can try the below additional steps:
If you are seeing this error even after following the above steps, the device could be Hardware Faulty. Kindly reach out to your local
NI Support.