Archived:Display Image in LabVIEW NXG

Updated May 1, 2023

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Sometimes it's necessary to display an image on the Front Panel and control accordingly to provide the user useful information, for example display a company logo or an animation such as loading animation that indicates a process is currently running.

To do that in LabVIEW NXG, you have to use an Image control or Picture Display control under Decorations and Data Placeholders subpalette.

In this document, you'll learn how to display images in LabVIEW NXG by using these two controls. Note that LabVIEW NXG only supports PNG, BMP, JPEG, and SVG image file types.

Display Image Using Image
  1. Drag and drop Image from Decorations and Data Placeholders subpalette to your Panel.
  2. Click on the Image.
  3. Select Item tab from the Configuration Pane.
  4. Click Set Image button and a File Dialog will appear.
  5. Select an image you wish to display and click Open.
Image control allows you to display a static image at the Panel and this image cannot be modified during run time. If you wish to change the displayed image programmatically during run time, kindly use Picture Display control instead.

Display Image Using Picture Display
  1. To use Picture Display, images must first be imported into the LabVIEW NXG Project by using either a Library or Application component.
  2. Drag and drop Picture Display from Decorations and Data Placeholders subpalette to your Panel.
  3. Click on the Picture Display.
  4. Select Item tab from the Configuration Pane.
  5. Click + button under Pictures section and a Browse for Images dialog will appear.
  6. Select the images you which to use for your project and click OK. The image choices are those images you have imported into the LabVIEW NXG Project by using either a Library or Application component.
  7. Switch to Diagram and you will found a Picture Display indicator within Unplaced Items subpalette.
  8. By providing numeric value to the Picture Display indicator according to the index value displayed next to the images name under Pictures section of Item tab from the Configuration Pane, the corresponding image will be displayed on your panel.