Simulate a SwitchBlock Device in NI MAX

Updated Jun 2, 2023



  • PXI Carrier Module for SwitchBlock
  • Matrix Module for SwitchBlock


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)



Operating System

  • Windows

I need to simulate a SwitchBlock Device in NI MAX and I can not find my device in the list of simulated devices available.

You will need to have NI MAX  installed on your system as well as NI-SWITCH in order to complete any of the steps.

1- Open NI MAX

2- Right-click in Devices and Interfaces and select Create New

3- Select Simulated NI-DAQmx Device or Modular Instrument and click in Finish

4- Search the PXI-2800 and click in Ok

5- Now in the list, you will see your simulated PXI SwitchBlock device, select that device

6- Select Insert or Remove Simulated Cards within the NI SwitchBlock

7- Select the model of your card in your preferred slot and click in Ok

Once you created your device and configured the slots, you will see something like this:

Next Steps

Now you can create your code in LabVIEW using NI-SWITCH with your simulated device. Here you can check how to begin using NI-SWITCH in LabVIEW.