I Get an Error Message When Launching LabVIEW After a Windows Update

Updated Sep 29, 2020

Reported In


  • LabVIEW

Operating System

  • Windows

Issue Details

I get the error message The operating system is not presently configured to run this application when I try to launch LabVIEW. This happens after a windows 10 update, what should I do?


This error happens when the windows update is not carried out successfully, which can lead to corrupted files in Windows 10.

1) Go to the Windows search bar and type cmd, right-click Command Prompt>>Run as Administrator. Type the command sfc /scannnow and press Enter.
2) Go to the Windows Update and check for updates and install the available updates. After the update is complete restart your computer. 
3) Force to reinstall LabVIEW following the article Force Reinstall Non-Working or Corrupt NI Software

Note: If the error happens only with specific VIs, do a mass compile following the article How to Mass Compile in LabVIEW and verify that there are no issues with the project dependencies.