LabVIEW Reports "Attribute Value Is out of Range" for a USB 3 Camera

Updated Sep 16, 2020

Reported In


  • LabVIEW


  • NI-IMAQdx

Issue Details

I'm using IMAQdx property node to set the attributes of a Pixelink PL-D732 USB3 camera, and this works unless the exposure time is set to greater than 15,000 microseconds. When the exposure is set above 15,000 microseconds LabVIEW reports that the "Attribute Value is Out of Range". I have checked the camera specifications on NI-Measurement & Automation Explorer, and the maximum exposure is 5 million microseconds, and this value can be successfully set using NI-Vision Assistant. 

Why is the value reported to be out of range when it isn't?


When a new camera is detected, an XML file containing the attributes and properties is downloaded from the camera to the IMAQdx camera directory on the computer. When you receive the error “Attribute Value is Out of Range”, this may indicate that the file on the camera itself may be out of date. In this event the camera will need to have its firmware updated. 

To update the camera firmware, contact the manufacturer of the camera or visit their respective support site. Many camera manufacturers will provide a tool to update the firmware to the camera.