Changing the Column Names in a TestStand Report

Updated Oct 31, 2023



  • TestStand

I want to customise my TestStand report by changing the names of some of the columns in the report. How do I do this?

Modifying the column names requires you to modify the Style Sheet you are using.

Determine what Style Sheet you are using

  1. In TestStand, go to Configure >> Result Processing 
  2. Find the report you have enabled and select the tool on the right-hand side to open the Options
  1. Check the Style Sheet section to see what Style Sheet you are currently using and would like to edit


Creating a copy of the StyleSheet

NI does not recommend editing the default Style Sheet. Instead, create a copy and edit the copy.
The Style Sheets can be found at:
32-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\TestStand 20XX\Components\Models\TestStandModels\StyleSheets
64-bit: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 20XX\Components\Models\TestStandModels\StyleSheets
Where 20XX is there version of TestStand you are using, such as 2019. 

Editing the Style Sheet

  1. Open your newly created copy of the Style Sheet
  2. The Column names are defined in lines that look like the following, search and find for where these lines appear in your stylesheet: "<td style='width:13%' align='center'><span style='font-size:0.6em;white-space:nowrap'><b>Comparison Type</b></span></td>\n" + 
  3. The line above is named Comparison Type. Edit this text to be whatever you would like the new name of the column to be. For Exmaple: "<td style='width:13%' align='center'><span style='font-size:0.6em;white-space:nowrap'><b>This Is The New Name For My Column</b></span></td>\n" +
  4. Save your edited Style Sheet and make sure your new Style Sheet is selected in the Report Options (Point 3 in the 'Determine what Style Sheet you are using' section of this document)
Your newly generated reports will have the custom column name you have entered.