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Invalid, Expired or Blocked Serial Number Error When Trying to Activate NI Software on Windows 10

Updated Mar 18, 2024

Reported In


  • NI License Manager

Operating System

  • Windows

Issue Details

  • When :
    • I try to generate an activation code using the Activation Code Generation Form with a valid Serial Number and 6PZC-LFP4-SCXY-DFB6 as my specific computer ID;
    • I'm using a Windows 10 interface on my Mac computer to activate the software using an active Serial Number;
I receive the one of the following messages:
The Serial Number you submitted has expired or has been blocked from activation.

Please contact us to resolve.

Activation Code Generation Form.
Activation Results                                                        Result
LabVIEW 2019 Development System                                           Activation Warning
LabVIEW 2019 Application Builder                                          Activation Warning       
activation warning.jpg                               
Invalid Serial Number


This is a known issue that, although it is common on Mac machines using the Bootcamp's Windows 10 Partition, can also happen in Windows 10 machines. See the relevant sections below for the solution steps.

Mac Bootcamp Partition

The problem is originated because the computer IDs of all the Bootcamps' Partitions are by default set to 6PZC-LFP4-SCXY-DFB6, and, as the licensing of the NI software is now identity-based with every machine, that specific computer ID has been blocked.  

To fix this issue, contact NI Technical Support with the computer's MAC Address to create a new computer ID for the machine. Then, create new activation codes using the new Computer ID following the Getting 20 Digit Activation Codes for NI Software  guide.


Standard Windows 10 PC

  • Reinstall the software to be activated.
  • In case the issue persists after the reinstall, follow the same steps to solve the issue in Bootcamp partition. 

Additional Information

This issue can also happen if you are trying to activate a Serial Number that is part of an Enterprise Agreement as a single-seat license. Please note that Enterprise Agreements are required to activate through a Volume License Server. You can find more information about this in the following article: Activate NI Software as Part of a Volume License Agreement