Error -17600 Failed to Load a Required Step's Associated Module in TestStand

Updated Aug 28, 2020

Reported In


  • TestStand

Issue Details

My Test Sequence was working fine, but now it returns error -17600 when I try to run it, with the message:
 The prototype of VI 'C:\Test Folder\Test' changed.
You must update the prototype before executing the VI.
Use the TestStand Sequence Editor to update the prototype.

Error Code:
-17600; Failed to load a required step's associated module.
Step 'Test Step' of sequence 'MainSequence' in 'Test Sequence File.seq'


This error can indicate there was a change in the step's code module VI Connector Pane. To resolve it:
  1. Select the step mentioned in the error message.
  2. Select the Module tab in the Step Settings panel.
  3. Click the Reload VI Prototype button.

The VI Icon should now be displayed correctly and the Test Sequence should execute without error.

Additional Information

The error code will include additional details if the step is executed from a subsequence.

Also, this error code can be returned for a number of different reasons. If this article does not help, refer to the Related Links.