Can't See FlexRIO FPGA Card in NI MAX

Updated Dec 22, 2023

Reported In


  • PXI FPGA Module for FlexRIO

Issue Details

I have a PXI FlexRIO FPGA module in a PXI chassis. I can see the PXI controller and chassis in NI MAX, but I can't see the card.


1. Make sure that you have the following software installed: Note: If you have a Real Time controller, and you can't see the cards on NI MAX in the host computer, make sure LabVIEW Real Time and FlexRIO driver are installed in the controller. For more information about how to install software in a Real Time controller check the Related Links section. 

2. Make sure that the correct version of the FlexRIO driver is installed by checking the FlexRIO and LabVIEW Version Compatibility.
3. Also, the version of the LabVIEW FPGA Module should match the version of LabVIEW that you are using, according to LabVIEW Compatibility With the Real-Time and LabVIEW FPGA Modules .

Additional Information

For specific information about the installation, refer to the instructions in the User Manual for the hardware.