Error 0xBFF60171 when Using NI Frame Grabber

Updated May 14, 2021

Reported In


  • PCIe-1433
  • PXIe-1435
  • acA2040-180kc


  • NI-IMAQdx

Issue Details

I am getting the following error 0xBFF60171 in NI MAX when connecting VLM640 camera to NI PCIe-1433 via CameraLink protocol:

IMAQdx Error
0xBFF60171: The Power Over CameraLink circuitry is unable to provide power and the device cannot detect a recognizable video source.


This error could pop up mostly because of three reasons:

  • Camera Driver

If the driver of the camera is not installed or installed incorrectly, an error can occur. Make sure, that you have installed the driver of the camera. If the driver is installed, reinstall it and try to connect again.
If you don’t have the appropriate driver of the camera, visit official website of the product or refer to the manufacturer.


  • Nonworking connection wire or device.

If the connection wire is not working, the aforementioned error could occur. Make sure, that the wire is working. You can check it by using a multimeter. Open the connection wire documentation and perform a continuity test.
On the other hand, make sure that the camera is working. Refer to the manufacturer for the diagnostics or replace the camera with other one.


  • Incorrect hardware connection

Different Camera Link configuration requires different connection. For example, to establish a Base configuration between PXIe-1435 and Basler ACA2040-180kc, only Base connectors from both devices need to be connected while to establish Medium or Full configuration, both devices' Base and Med/Full connectors must be connected. Kindly ensure you are using the right connection for your Camera Link configuration.

Additional Information

Every camera has its appropriate communication protocol. Make sure that the NI Image Grabber is compatible with the chosen camera.

Also you can refer to manufacturer User Manual or Getting Started documents to make appropriate connectivity.