Error on Legacy Property Loader Step After Adding a Sequence Callback

Updated Oct 28, 2024

Reported In


  • TestStand

Issue Details

I'm using a Legacy Property Loader step on my sequence, but after adding a new process model callback I'm getting and error in the Legacy property loader. What could be causing it?



To avoid this issue, make sure to add the in .txt file imported by the Legacy Property Loader the limits for the new callback.

For example: if add the ModifyReportHeader callback to you sequence file, edit the .txt or .csv file adding: 


You can also, re-export the limits  using the suggestions provided in Legacy Import/Export Properties.

Additional Information

In TestStand 2016 and later, the Legacy Property Loader step is no longer listed in the default type palettes installed by TestStand. If you open a sequence file with a legacy step, the legacy step type will appear in the insert step menu, and you can still execute sequences that contain the legacy Property Loader steps. The Legacy Import/Export Properties tool in the Tools menu is not installed by default. You can manually add the legacy tool by importing the <TestStand> \Components\StepTypes\Database\LegacyImportExportTool.ini file in the Tools menu.