Error Applying Pin Levels in NI Digital Pattern Editor

Updated Jul 30, 2020

Reported In


  • PXIe-6570


Hardware: PXIe-6570

Issue Details

  • I am receiving an "Error Applying Pin Levels" popup window when trying to apply my levels in Digital Pattern Editor
  • I am getting an error that states "source terminal to be routed could not be found on the device." How do I fix this error?


This error may be due to a hardware issue, or a driver corruption issue. Some various troubleshooting steps to try are:
  1. Change the slot of the digital module to a different slot, trying especially one closer to the controller.
    • Note: be sure to update the pinmap to reflect the changes
  2. If using a Thunderbolt connection, check the cable. Try using an Active Thunderbolt cable instead of a USB-C cable.
  3. Repair the NI-Digital Pattern Driver through NI Package Manager.
  4. Uninstall and reinstall NI-Digital Pattern Driver.