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NI Software Requests Activation When Using Disconnected License File

Updated Oct 31, 2022

Reported In


  • NI License Manager
  • LabVIEW
  • Volume License Manager

Operating System

  • Windows

Issue Details

  • I am using a Disconnected License File, and when I open any software I get a pop-up to activate the software.
  • I am using a Disconnected License File, and when I open any software I get a message that This product will be disabled on January 01, 0001, and I am now using a backup license.
  • I am using a Disconnected License File, and when I open any software I get a message saying This product will be disabled on January 01, 1900, and I am now using a backup license, as shown in the image below. This behavior occurs with LabView 2020, LabView 2021 SP1, LabView 2022 Q3, all using Windows 10.
NILM bug


This message is a bug of NI License Manager (NILM), and does not impact software functionality. Dismiss the message and continue using the software.
  • To avoid this message permanently, click on the dropdown and select Remind me when they expire or Do not remind me in the dialog box that pops up.
  • You will need to complete this step for each piece of software (and its version) that is licensed through the disconnected license.
  • The Remind me next time option is only available on newer versions of NILM, from 4.7 or higher.
If using NILM 4.7 or higher, you will see:

If using NILM 4.6, you will see: