Error 363504 and 363514 When Using SMTP VIs

Updated Aug 3, 2022

Reported In


  • LabVIEW

Issue Details

Currently in SMTP example (Help>>Find Example>>Internet&Web>>Send Email using SMTP Client), I face
 Error 363504 occurred at


1. Open Google Chrome and log into Google Account

2. After logging in, click on “Google Account” as shown in the picture.

3. In the tab box, search  "Less secure app access". 

4. Click Allow less secure apps to turn ON.

Additional Information

Starting from 30 May 2022, Google will no longer support third-party apps and devices that only ask you to sign in to your Google Account with your username and password for new Google Accounts.
Unavailable less secure app access function on new Google accounts.
If you see this message on the Less secure app access tab, that means that this function is unavailable on your Google account.

Note: For more information please refer to [External]:Less secure apps & your Google Account Google article.