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Why Is NI-XNET EXE Unable to Select Database File

Updated Nov 12, 2024

Reported In


  • LabVIEW



Issue Details

I am using LabVIEW with the application of XNET. I had configured the LabVIEW VI and build as the EXE to deploy in another PC. When I was executed the .exe, I found that I am unavailable to selecting the database. The Browse for Database File... tap is unable to click in. What should I do to resolve this issue? 

                                                                                                             xnet drop down.jpg


The issue of not being able to make selection in the browser tap of your EXE is because the software is not install properly. Here are some workaround which is able to help you to resolve the issue:
  • When the EXE is distributed to another PC, please make sure the compatible XNET Database Editor has been installed.
  • Make sure the full NI-XNET version have been install.
  • Reinstall NI-XNET driver where the XNET Database is included.
  • You could also Open an existing database of the NI-XNET Database Editor and load the database file manual for once before the EXE being executes. This can make sure the file have been loaded in the system and EXE could run smoothly. 
  • Include NI-XNET Runtime and the full NI-XNET software when building the EXE.

Additional Information

You can quickly check the existing of XNET Database Editor in Start >> All Programs >> National Instruments >> NI-XNET >> Database Editor.