Basically, importing Excel file into DIAdem, the
ExcelTDM DataPlugIn installation is required. Afterwards, the Excel file can be imported and automatically converted to a TDMS format by dragging it to the data portal of DIAdem. The DataPlugIn applied will follow the DataPlugIn priority set in DIAdem. See this document for how to prioritize. (
How to Set Priorities of the Multiple DataPlugIn for the Same Extension)
When Excel's cell data (ex. A2,B3,C5..) imported into DIAdem, classifying these into TDMS formats, Groups, Channels, Channel data. The classification for each data can be
DataPlugin Wizard for Spreadsheet Files. This wizard can create your own DataPlugin. The function can be found in DIAdem like below :
In this wizard, the main configuration factors are described in the above documents. There is a few important featues.
- In File Structure,
- Group Properties and Channel Properties can only import horizontal Cell data.
- Channel Data can only import vertical Cell data.
- In order, Group Properties and Channel Properties can have Ignore in the middle row of Excel, but not the Channel Data.
- Cells merged in Excel appear to have duplicate values as individual cells in DIAdem.
- In Excel,
- In DIAdem,
- Group property is a 1-on-1 match between Property and Value. To avoid repetition of duplicate values, cell numbers can be assigned directly to Value values
- If the channel data value contains characters, it cannot be read unless the type is set by Text.