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Create VeriStand Custom Device for Real Time Target

Updated Oct 13, 2024

Reported In


  • VeriStand Custom Devices

Issue Details

How can I create VeriStand Custom Device that can be deployed to Real-Time Target?


Note, as of VeriStand 2021 Phar Lap and Linux_32 targets are not supported. Additionally, VeriStand 2021 is the first version of VeriStand to use LabVIEW 64-bit, meaning the source LabVIEW project for the custom device must be saved in LabVIEW 64-bit. Previous versions required LabVIEW 32-bit to be used.
If you are using VeriStand 2021 or later, see: Creating a LabVIEW 2021 64-Bit VeriStand Custom Device LabVIEW Project - NI

If you have an existing LabVIEW project you want to make into a Custom Device
Custom devices created using the shipping Custom Device Template Tool can be deployed to PXI Phar Lap target without modification. If you wish to deploy to cRIO or PXI Linux RT, follow the instructions in How to run a custom device on target RT Linux to modify LabVIEW project and XML file.

If you are going to create the Custom Device from scratch
Use NI VeriStand Custom Device Project Wizard to create a LabVIEW project that contains the Real-Time targets you wish to add support for. 
To help in your development, see: VeriStand Custom Device Handbook.

Additional Information

NI PXI Linux RT is running 64-bit NI Linux RT. It can use the same LLB file compiled for cRIO running 64-bit NI Linux RT (Linux_x64). You do not have to create a PXI Linux RT target explicitly.