Error -1074395288 NI Vision Operation Exceeded the Capacity of an Internal Container

Updated Jun 25, 2024

Reported In


  • Vision Software Suite
  • LabVIEW


  • NI-IMAQdx

Issue Details

I got error -1074395288 in IMAQ Image Acqusition.

"The operation would have exceeded the capacity of an internal container, which is limited to 2,147,483,648 unique elements."
VDM Error.png

How can I fix it? 


Above elements are the size of memory. NI vision software is programmed to only accept a maximum image size of 2GB. So, you are getting this error because the image you are trying to take in is larger than 2 GB. To resolve this problem, it's the only way you acquire smaller image than 2GB.

Additional Information

This is the example of how to calculate size of images:
  • Image Sample 1 (Gray scale)
    • Resolution (Dimensions): 18287 * 47470
    • Bit depth : 24 bits
    • Size : 18287 * 47470 * 24 = 20834013360 bits ( 20834013360 bits / 8 bits per byte = 2,604,251,670 bytes % 2.6 GBytes)
  • Image Sample 2 (Color Image)
    • A color image: each pixel has 4 components (R,G,B,alpha)
    • Resolution (Dimensions): 14127 * 19282
    • Bit depth: 48 bits (12 bits per component) VDM image types use "round" numbers of Bytes: U8, U16, I16, RGB32, RGB64...
    • Color images with components represented using 12-bit will be mapped to RGB64:
      i.e. 4 * 16-bit per pixel: i.e. 4* 2 Bytes.
    • Size: 14127*19282 * 4 planes * 2 = 2,179,174,512