TestStand Pop Up "Value Must be at least Zero" When Opened

Updated Dec 2, 2021

Reported In


  • TestStand

Issue Details

After restarting my PC, when I open NI TestStand, it will pop up a message "The value must be at least zero". How can I solve this issue?


You can try the following steps to resolve this error:

  • The frontend.dll file might be corrupted. You can resolve this problem by moving this file from another PC with a working install to the corresponding location:
    • For 32-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\TestStand 20XX\Components\Callbacks\FrontEnd\Win32\frontend.dll of this PC.
    • For 64-bit: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 20XX\Components\Callbacks\FrontEnd\x64\frontend.dll of this PC.
  • Backup and delete all files under the directory equivalent to <TestStand_LocalAppData> and then try to launch the Sequence Editor.
    • The path mentioned before should be similar to the path C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Local\National Instruments\<TestStand Version>.
    • When using TestStand 64-bit, you might have to also backup and delete files for NI TestStand 32-bit.
  • If the above solutions didn't work, try repairing or reinstalling the NI TestStand software.