Error -2147220385 or -2147220289 When Formatting or Cloning Linux RT Target

Updated Oct 31, 2023

Reported In


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)

Operating System

  • LabVIEW Real-Time (NI Linux Real-Time)

Issue Details

I get Error -2147220385 or -2147220289 when interacting with or changing the image, either when I :
  • Format my Linux Real-Time target using NI Measurement and Automation Explorer (NI MAX)
  • Change the base system image using the LabVIEW Real-Time Software Wizard
  • Change the programming environment using the LabVIEW Real-Time Software Wizard
  • Use RAD to get or set a system image
-2147220385 NISysCfg_HostSoftwareTooOld 
The target requires newer functionality not supported by the software on your computer. Update NI System Configuration to the latest version to configure this target. See for more information.

-2147220289 NISysCfg_UnsupportedCDFVersion
  • The software installed on the target uses a CDF format not supported by the software on your computer. Update NI System Configuration or NI MAX to the latest version to configure this target.
  • The installed target software is incompatible with this version of Measurement & Automation Explorer. Please use a more recent version for this target. Alternatively, you will also be able to continue if you format your target.
  • Unsupported version of CDF format. Need a newer version of MAX or NI System Configuration.


This error can occur when the base system image or firmware on the target is a newer version than the version of NI MAX (or the System Configuration API) being used to format the target supports.

To fix the issue, install the latest version of System Configuration on the host machine using NI Package Manager, which will include NI MAX and the System Configuration API.

If using the RAD utility, it is also possible to re-compile the installer from source which can be found on Github here , which will create an installer that includes an upgraded LabVIEW Runtime and NI System Configuration.