The initial test which is being used to calibrate subsequent limits should be placed in the ProcessSetup sequence. This sequence can be found by opening the model sequence file; this can be done by clicking on the
Model:ModelName button at the bottom of the page:
Next, click on the
ProcessSetup Sequence in the Sequences section:
The results of the test should be written to a StationGlobal in order to ensure that this data can be read from a different sequence file. The ProcessSetup sequence will only execute once, and hence this result can be used for all UUTs as seen below from the sequential process model:
In the
MainSequence section, there should be a
Numeric Limit Test which uses the StationGloabal as a multiplication factor in the
High and
Low sections of the
Limits tab. In this example the Station Global is named
CalibrationResult, here the limits are set to be within 5% of the calibration measurement: