LabVIEW Probe Watch Window Is Not Appearing

Updated Apr 21, 2022

Reported In


  • LabVIEW


LabVIEW Development System

Issue Details

  • When I create a probe in LabVIEW, I can see the probe label on the block diagram, but the Probe Watch Window does not appear on screen. There is no error message, but I am unable to see the value associated with any of my probes.
  • I can see in my taskbar that the Probe Watch Window is running, but I am not able to see it on my screen.


This issue can occur, when the Probe Watch Window position or size has accidentally been set such that it is no longer visible on your display. This behavior is especially common for multi-monitor setups.

The size and position of the Probe Watch Window can be reset by following the steps below.
  1. Close LabVIEW.
  2. Navigate to the LabVIEW directory. (where following XXXX is the LabVIEW version you're using)
    • For 32-bit versions LabVIEW, navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW XXXX
    • For 64-bit versions of LabVIEW, navigate to C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW XXXX
  3. Right-click on LabVIEW.ini and select the Edit option.
  4. In your text editor, find and delete the line that begins with WatchWindowPos. (This will reset the default size and position of the Probe Watch Window.)
  5. Save and close the file.