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TestStand Report Graph Is Not Drawn When Saving to Network Drive

Updated Aug 30, 2023

Reported In


  • TestStand 2019
  • TestStand 2020
  • TestStand 2021

Issue Details

I set my result processing to save the report on a network drive and set it to draw arrays as graphs. Although my report is correctly created, the graphs are not displayed.



The issue is due to the browser/report control not allowing the graph controls to get rendered when the report file is saved in a network location. The following workarounds are available:
  1. Copying the report file to a local location and opening would show up the graphs in the browser.
  2. Add the network location to the list of trusted sites in Internet Explorer and uncheck the option to need server verification.
  3. Update NI TestStand to the latest version available.

Additional Information

Follow the steps below to add the network location to the list of trusted sites on Internet Explorer:
  1. Open the Windows Start Menu and type Internet Explorer. You should find the application as shown below. Click the Internet Explorer item o launch the browser.
    Finding Internet Explorer
  2. If the menu bar is not visible, right-click the title bar and select Menu Bar.
    Showing the Menu Bar
  3. On the menu bar, go to Tools>>Internet Options.
    Opening Internet Options
  4. Select the tab Security, then click on Trusted Sites.
    Selecting Trusted Sites
  5. Click on the Sites button. the Trusted Sites dialog should appear. If you cannot edit the trusted sites list (controls and indicators are grayed out), IT rules probably block this feature, so contact your IT administrator.
    Trusted Sites Dialog
  6. Uncheck the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone, then add your network location.
  7. Click Close, then Apply and OK on the Internet Options dialog.