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Troubleshooting VeriStand Guide

Updated Nov 21, 2023



  • VeriStand
  • VeriStand Custom Devices

This guide is to help you get started with troubleshooting VeriStand, explaining common troubleshooting steps and questions from installing the software to using it with different hardware. There are several issue areas/topics that are linked out to other knowledge articles for general steps, questions, and some specific situations and solutions.

This guide links to 6 other pages that each focus on one troubleshooting area/topic.

Important Note: This guide does not cover every possibility of troubleshooting an issue. Therefore, it should be used as a starting point and exploring the terminology to further search for solutions if they are not found.

Initial Troubleshooting Tests

To define whether your issue is Software, Hardware, NI-XNET, Model, or Custom device related, try to run simple tests on your system.
  1. Create and run an empty project on your Host Computer, to understand if you have problems with VeriStand and its drivers.
  2. Deploy the system definition file to the Real-Time target. This will help to understand if there are any compatibility issues with the VeriStand version installed on the Host PC.
  3. Add all DAQ devices to the project and test them, to define if there are any problems related to them.
  4. If you have issues when all DAQ devices are inserted, try to test them one by one to find which one is the cause of the issue.
  5. In case you have Ni-XNET devices alongside DAQ devices, try to test them separately.
  6. Simulate an environment for testing the Model, before using it with the hardware, to understand if the model is created correctly and if there are no issues with its imports, parameters, outports, and execution.
  7. If your custom device has documentation have a look at it before Adding and Configuring the Custom Device in the project.  Some custom devices are open source and can be found on the VeriStand Open Source Add-Ons page or by searching the VeriStand topic on GitHub.

Troubleshooting VeriStand Guides:

After testing the system, you might be able to define the issue source. Have a look at the below-mentioned pages.