Why does RFmx GSM measure PVT result with 0.2dB fluctuation

Updated Sep 14, 2022

Reported In


  • PXIe-5840


  • RFmx GSM/EDGE+

Issue Details

When you use RFmx Waveform Creator and RFmx GSM doing loopback testing, you will find that the PVT curve will fluctuate by 0.2dB, as shown in the figure below

We looked at the RFmx Waveform Creator side waveform and found that there was no such fluctuation, as shown below:

What is the reason for this 0.2dB fluctuation in time domain ?


In the PVT test of GSM, the default setting of RBW is 500kHz, and the setting of RBW causes a fluctuation of 0.2dB, which is in line with expectations;

In addition, RFmx GSM does not open RBW parameter settings for PVT measurement to users, so we cannot reduce or eliminate this fluctuation by manually modifying RBW;