Error -2147220308 When Using NI System Configuration Set System Image

Updated Oct 30, 2023

Reported In


  • System Configuration

Issue Details

I am using the NI System Configuration VI, "Set System Image". When doing so, I receive the following error, despite the action being successful and the image being deployed:

Error -2147220308 occurred at nisyscfg.lvlib:Set System Image (

Possible reason(s):

NI System Configuration: Could not contact remote target. Ensure that the system is online.


This error comes from the real-time target being inaccessible or timing out during the action of setting the system image when polling the target. The "Set System Image" function takes the system image file/folder, unzips the item and then clones the contents to the drive before rebooting and deleting the image. Deploying a large image can take longer than the default timeout of 180 seconds, and thus lead to the error being spawned. This error can appear even if the system image is deployed.

To solve this, increase the timeout of the System Configuration Session. This is done by a Property Node writing to "System Session" -> "Advanced" -> "Auto-Restart Timeout".